
Voice Instructor

About Jubora

Notable Performances

Participated in more than 13 single albums, featuring many different artists’ songs
Published her album, Remember
Vocal, “나의 길” (My Road) from 김유신 (Yoo Shin Kim)’s album
Vocal, KBS Drama OST from <달콤한 비밀> (Sweet Secret)
Vocal, Movie OST from <꽃비> (Flower Rain)
Vocal, Opening signal song from Arirang TV’s <아름다운 동행>
Vocal, Opening guest of 이승철 (Seung Cheol Lee)’s Toronto and Vancouver Tour

Ministry Background

Main Vocal, Worship Team Upstream’s 1.5 and 2nd album
Vocal, KOSTA and Youth KOSTA

Teaching Experiences

Voice Instructor, local church’s worship school
Voice Instructor, Worship Canada
Voice Instructor, more than 20 churches in Canada